Emotive Computing Platform
What We Do and Why
"..emotional processes are required for the skills and knowledge acquired in school to transfer to novel situations and to real life." (Immordino-Yang and Damasio, 2007)
We design and create custom software for mobile and web clients using Swift, Python, Lua, Unreal Blueprints, and AWS and Azure cloud services. We specialize in creating apps and games to help with emotion identification and regulation skills.
Our goal is to improve the relationship between neurodivergent learners, their loved ones, and their peers by giving them tools they can use to identify and communicate their emotions and preferences during stressful situations and difficult conversations. We believe that improving emotion identification and regulation skills will have a positive impact on the individual and their relationships, by:
Improving one's self-awareness, self-confidence, self-esteem, and motivation
Improving one's focus and attention
Enabling and supporting cognitive flexibility
Recognizing and learning how to set boundaries
App Gallery
My Emotions! App
The Apprentice Blacksmith Story (RenPy)
Read my blog post about this story
Available on https://eolimpiew.itch.io/the-apprentice​​​
The Apprentice Blacksmith (Roblox)
In Development​​​
The Apprentice Blacksmith (Unreal Engine)
In Development​​​